Licensed Online Casino

A casino license will allow you to count on cooperation with the world's largest software providers (Playtech, Microgaming, Igrosoft, Novomatic, and others). The loyalty of the audience. The online casino license. Online casino license is not only a licensed software. It is also the control of the regulator. If the resource has received a license, this means that it has been fully tested by dozens of parameters: the licensing of games.

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The gaming industry attracts many people. This is especially true for those who love passion and risk. This makes it possible to try to win a serious prize, about which many only dream. And today you don’t need to go to Las Vegas, Monte Carlo or Macau to do this. Indeed, thanks to the Internet, in the vastness of the virtual space, one can meet many gambling establishments. And for pleasure, you do not even need to leave the house.

What is an online casino?

Game clubs are increasingly moving their activities into virtual space. Naturally, such casinos cannot yet be compared in their popularity with real institutions. Especially if you take into account a city like Las Vegas, which is visited by almost 40 million tourists every year. And the very first casino was opened here in 1941. And today there are already more than 120 of them in this city. This is if you do not take into account all the gambling establishments, of which there are more than a thousand. And if you count all the slot machines that are used in all these institutions, it turns out that there are more than 200 thousand of them. And it never happens that they were idle idle. But since virtual space is still being developed, there is no doubt that over time there will be even more gambling clubs. In addition, their attendance is increasing every year. You can name a few distinguishing features of online casinos, and all of them are inherent only to similar gambling establishments.

  • No need to waste time on the road to get there.
  • Such gambling establishments are not limited by space.
  • Almost all games in a virtual club can be tested in demo mode.
  • A large number of bonuses and rewards are offered.

All this is available only for online casinos, with real-life clubs the situation is completely different. To play in virtual institutions, you need to have a computer or mobile device, as well as Internet access. And immediately the doors will open not only to blackjack or roulette, but also to hundreds of different slot machines.


How online casinos work

Since recently there have been many crooks who are not averse to making easy money, on the expanses of the World Wide Web you can find both honest casinos and fraudulent schemes. Therefore, you need to know the principle of operation of a real gambling club operating under license. Then it will be much easier to identify scammers. The principle of operation of an honest gambling club working on the Internet is not much different from dishonest. To play, you can not register. This option is most suitable for those who decide to first test the slots in demo mode. Perhaps everything will not work out, because there are a lot of them. But here a couple of dozen can be tested. This will help to understand their principle of operation, the algorithm of actions. The main attention should be paid to winning combinations. And only after that you can register, replenish the deposit and place bets.

Licensed and non-licensed casinos: what is the difference?

Playing in any online casino is a certain risk. There is always the possibility that in a few hours you will lose all the money, and you won’t see a win. Or, at least, they will happen, but they will not in any way block the costs that will be spent on bets. If we are talking about a fraudulent casino, can you win something there or not? In fact, there are several differences between licensed online gambling establishments and those that operate without a license:

Licensed Online Casino
  • In a dishonest online casino it is almost impossible to win.
  • Gambling clubs operating under fraudulent schemes attract users with serious welcome bonuses.
  • A dishonest club works without any license.
  • If winnings happen, it is impossible to withdraw money.
  • Attendance by users is much lower.

The third paragraph requires a small addition. Not always a virtual gambling club that uses fraudulent schemes works without a license. She may be present, but jurisdiction is chosen where it is impossible to verify the fact of registration of this club. Keep in mind that licensed casinos deal only with serious software developers. These providers value their reputation, so they try to offer only reliable emulators. The released slots are licensed, and this is very important. Why is a dishonest online casino an opportunity to win? The whole reason lies in three letters – RNG. They are deciphered as follows – “random number generator”. And just dishonest owners of such clubs are doing everything possible to themselves be able to manage this RNG. We are talking about slot machines, which account for the lion’s share of all software. If they are released by reliable developers, then it will not work to change the internal algorithm of actions that is programmed. That is, the RNG will not be able to reconfigure. If you use slot machines without a license, then there is no question of any chance. Then you can forget about “Madam Luck”, because the owner of an online casino turns into a kind of deity himself, determining whether to allow this player to win at least something or leave him with nothing. Such activity is prohibited, no government agency will issue a license for it. So we can state the following fact: any casino without a license acts illegally and dishonestly. It is necessary to pay attention to the bonus policy of a gambling establishment. If a beginner is offered a thousand dollars at the start, or even more, this should immediately alert. Such generosity happens only when the online casino does not plan to work for a long time. It is important for its owner to raise as much money as possible in a short time, and then disappear. It’s clear that gamblers will quickly “figure out” fraudulent schemes, so they simply stop coming here.

Online casino license: can it be determined?

Before you try to determine whether a virtual gambling club has a license or not, you need to carefully look at the site itself. It must be remembered that licensed casinos cannot be opened in the shortest possible time. This will require a lot of financial injections. Since the club should work for a long time, much attention is paid to its design and decoration. It will take a lot of money, a similar project cannot be realized by a mediocre programmer and designer. And serious specialists take good money for their work. If we are talking about scripted virtual casinos, the situation here is completely different. They are created for a short time, so you do not need to invest a lot of money in them. Even by design, you can determine how expensive this site is. By the way, a name familiar to many users is often used. For example, such a well-known offline gambling establishment as “Volcano” is faked. One word is added in the name and it is declared that it is a mirror of the famous club. Even if licensed casinos use a small amount of gambling, they must indicate all the data about their license:

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  • what is her number;
  • exact date of receipt;
  • which company owns this club (operator);
  • who acted as the regulator that issued the license.

On the main page there should be a special window dedicated to the license. You can go there and immediately open all this data. Usually this box is located at the bottom of the page. But some licensed casinos immediately give all this data, without going to third-party sites. The main thing is that the user can check the license information. But do scammers not know about this? They are well aware of the important role this license data plays. Therefore, they act as follows: they take mythical data about the “legal” registration and also post them on their sites. Is it that hard? Who wants to check the specified data? And who knows how to do this? If the slot machines are licensed, and even a novice gambler can verify this by finding out the address of the server from which the spins are loaded, then not everyone can figure out the registration information.

How to check online casino license?

Nevertheless, it is very simple to check the data of a real and fake online casino license. It will be enough to just go to the regulator’s website and just start the search. But at the same time it is necessary to indicate the basic data regarding the license: the number and name of the company. And you can be 100% sure that no dishonest gambling institution that conducts its activities in the virtual space will be able to pass such a test. At the time of verification, you can find other data regarding an honest institution. For example, this applies to the licensing class. And this is already valuable information, thanks to which you can understand that the institution has the right to use only slot machines or other gambling. When checking a license, it is very important to find out what jurisdiction we are talking about. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the most basic options.

  1. Jurisdiction of Curacao. The authenticity of the license relating to the activities of gambling clubs in this case is not only difficult to verify, but almost impossible. There is no such site where data would be collected regarding the registration of such institutions operating in the virtual space. Players have only one opportunity to check the license: apply directly to the jurisdiction and wait for a response from there. And he can either come or not. Therefore, if some kind of trouble happens, then the player has only one opportunity – this is to contact the casino support service.
  2. Jurisdiction of Costa Rica. Here the situation is almost exactly the same as that of the Curacao license. But there is one more nuance that you need to know about: the license of Costa Rica does not allow legally using slot machines, roulette, video poker or other gambling. According to the documents, the institution has the right only to “process data”. So this is not about a gambling license. So far, Costa Rica has not been able to resolve the issue in order to resolve this problem at the legislative level. Therefore, the Costa Rican license that online casinos have is just a screen for averting eyes.
  3. UK jurisdiction. And here the situation is already completely different. The license of Britain is considered not only the most prestigious, but also the most reliable. This jurisdiction owns its own website, which provides all the information regarding which companies are legally registered. All licensed casinos operating legally are listed there. Also here you will immediately be able to find out how the status of the gambling establishment, as well as whether there were any conflict situations with the players. If any complaint is received about the club that is registered here, sanctions will be immediately taken against it. So it is safe to say that the UK license is the most reliable.
  4. Jurisdiction of Malta. Licenses from this jurisdiction can also be considered reliable. Many virtual casinos try to register here, but not everyone succeeds. Too stringent requirements are imposed on applicants. Malta’s licenses are in second place after the jurisdiction of Britain. All online casinos can be checked on the official website of this jurisdiction, which publishes data on registered companies.
  5. Jurisdiction of Gibraltar. All gaming establishments that are licensed in Gibraltar are considered completely reliable. This means that the slot machines in the club are licensed. None of the owners of the gambling club will want to purchase low-quality software, because if you receive a complaint, you can lose your license. But still, it must be borne in mind that if a casino online indicates Gibraltar license information on its page, and there is no information about it on the official website of this jurisdiction, then such a virtual gambling club is fraudulent.


As a result, we can say the following: if you want to play, try your luck, it is better to go to licensed casinos, because this is a guarantee that fraudulent schemes are not used there. After all, if something went wrong, the player has every right to apply not only to the casino support service, but also directly to the regulatory authorities of the jurisdiction where the license was issued to the gambling establishment.